Friday, September 25, 2009

Who is this Chick?

A girl.  A legal career.  A credit card.  And a crappy collection of iPhone photos. 

If you've arrived here from
EA, then you already know:  I'm Kate, and I take photos in the bathroom.

If you've stumbled upon me from elsewhere... welcome!  I'm Kate, and I take photos in the bathroom!

I decided to start this side blog for several reasons...

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  You're mother told you this when Shelly Lavado bought the exact same navy and yellow sunflower short and scrunchie combo from Limited 2 (old-school: before it was "too") as you in the 4th grade.  And she was right.  Annoyingly so, but right.  So following in the footsteps of some of my favorites (here, here, here, here, and everywhere in between), I now give you my own daily interpretations and inspirations.

(2) You people freakin' love a low-quality iPhone photo shoot!  If I had known that hastily snapping a picture or two of whatever ensemble I managed to stumble into that morning would become such a popular segment of EA, I would have stopped attempting thoughtful and witty posts of substance months ago!

(3) I wanted to start a blog in which I implement my knowledge of proper word capitalization. 

(4) But seriously...  I get several emails a week regarding maintaining a sense of style while dressing appropriately for work.  So many of us seem to be in the same boat... in a seemingly highfalutin' career, surrounded by clueless menfolk, and unsure how to mix "professional" and "stylish" without crossing the line.  And while I do not in any way profess to be the expert on this subject, I have the luxury of working in an environment where my fashion mistakes often go unnoticed or overlooked (again with the clueless menfolk).  And there's no one but the dog to judge me in my own bathroom... so that works out kind of nicely now doesn't it?

So there you have it.  A new, wholly superficial endeavor.

Here's hoping you don't think I look like crap!


  1. I can't wait to follow you on this journey! I love reading your blog and love seeing your bathroom pics. I work on a floor mostly dominated by women and I'm definitely not brave enough to try this out. With that being said, I'm always trying to keep up with fashion trends so keep the pics coming!

  2. yay! i'm glad you did this mini blog! i graduate from law school this year and will be taking notes on your work appropriate yet stylish attire!

  3. Um, one question -- IS THAT YOUR CLOSET!?!?!?!?!?!?! If so, mad jealous props!!!

  4. I had that entire sunflower ensemble from Limited 2...I think I even had a pair of shorts overalls, whatever those are called...rock on.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Your blog is so much fun to read! Love your style.

  7. Magnifique, another new blog to follow and contribute to my not studying for board exams. I like your style Kate. I like it just fine.

  8. You're cuter than Christmas.

  9. Just found your blog(s) and love it!!!!!

  10. Found your blog through EA. You are hilarious and awesome.

  11. I just happen to stumble on your blog when googling wedding dresses with cowgirl boots. I have to say you have wonderful style, I style that is fabulous and all your own!

  12. This is the first time I've stumbled upon your blog and I luhv it!!! I clicked on "click the chick to find out"'re hilarious!! I'll be back!


stall scribbles appreciated!